Deprecated: Function get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

Reply To: Shortcode DISPLAY_POSTS issue

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Hey Ojones,

first of all, thank you for the purchase!

The reason why the shortcode did not filter the projects is because it did not have such a capability – the “category” parameter refers strictly to the “category” taxonomy, which only relates to classic posts. Once you’ve mentioned this, I thought it might be a good addition to the shortcode, so I’ve introduced filtering by type as well; I will include the feature into the next theme update (version 1.6), and before it’s out you can download this archive, unzip it, and upload the resulting files into the following folder inside your WP install:
replacing the existing files. After that, you should be able to use “type=XX” parameter in the shortcode, where XX is the ID of the needed type. Please let me know if it works for you!

Andrii / Satori Studio