Deprecated: Function get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

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Hi Andrew,
Thank you very much again –
1.A) I seem to have solved the logo issue with your above instructions – i was clicking on “File URL”, but i was uploading the image from “Computer” or from “Gallery”, and this time round I tried uploading from “Media Library” and it worked. Is there a difference there?

2.A) Ah, sorry, I mean to send you the link which leads to the fuji page where the photograph images have been magnified.
I have read through p.4 of the manual and am stuck on the first section of this problem, here:
In the “Portfolio/ Tags” section, I have created a Tag name for every photo I would like to display and assigned it to one of 3 parents.
I then went to “Portfolio” and chose one of the parents to work on – in this case “Supers”.
Here I clicked on “Supers” and in this case “Vampirella” in the right-hand Tags box, I uploaded an image and featured it – it has appeared in the “featured image” box, but when I try and upload an image in the main white box (size 940 x 525), I upload it from my computer or from the media library, click “File URL” and “insert into posts”…and nothing appears. Either in the white box, or on the website.

Please advise! Thank you! :S