Deprecated: La funzione get_currentuserinfo è deprecata dalla versione 4.5.0! Utilizza al suo posto wp_get_current_user(). in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

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Amministratore del forum

Dear Julie,

I apologize for a delay in my reply. I’ve removed the login info from your earlier post ;)
As can be seen from other threads in my forums, I reply to every single request – it may sometimes take one or two days though, depending on the amount of requests received at any given time; there’s not need to bump the threads or duplicate emails, since it may create a mess in the communication and then I might forget which request I’ve already replied to and which not :)

Returning to the matter: I’ve made all changes you asked for, please see the website. Let me know if something is not as you’ve envisaged!

Andrew | Satori Studio