Deprecated: Function get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

Reply To: Google Maps iFrame vs API

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Hey Thoughton,

thank you for providing a solution to the issue!

Google Maps JavaScript API v3, which has a feature for disabling the scrolling of the map, hasn’t yet been integrated into Kanso (experimentally, is it part of the customized Visual Content Builder plugin I’ve integrated into the latest theme, Shogun, still testing though).

Inserting the API by hand would probably be the cleanest and most controllable solution, here’s the manual on how to do it (although I suspect you’ve seen it for sure). There are essentially two three steps to it: obtaining the API key from Google, inserting the necessary JavaScript (can go into the “header-functions.php” theme file), and inserting a HTML placeholder for the map (can go directly into the content of the page, or into a template file, if needed repeatedly as a php snippet).

A third-party WP plugin with ready code is another solution, which might be easier to implement yet slightly more challenging to customize or backward-engineer.

Should you need additional help with the maps API, please let me know!

P.S. you can use the “

" tag for posting code here, it will be pre-formatted ;)

Andrii / Satori Studio