Reply To: Few beginner questions.

New Front EN Support Forums Ikebana Theme Support Few beginner questions. Reply To: Few beginner questions.


Hello Clement, thanks for choosing Ikebana! I’ll go over the questions in the same order below:

1. In order to show a tiled layout, please use a page with a “Portfolio” template as the “shell” for the layout and posts of the “Project” type as the individual tiles – you can find more info on this in the “Portfolio” section of the theme manual, pages 4-7.

2. For setting up a menu that filters the grid by specific tags, please see the “Menus” section of the manual, pages 3-4.

3. Please see item 1 in this list ;)

When you download the “” archive from Themeforest, you’ll see the “Ikebana_Manual.pdf” document inside – that’s the theme documentation I’m referring to above.

Andrii / Satori Studio