Deprecated: get_currentuserinfo 함수는 버전 4.5.0 이후로 폐기예정입니다. 대신 wp_get_current_user()을(를) 사용하세요. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

'Stopping footer "float"?'에 답변달기

New Front KO Support Forums Kabuki Theme Support Stopping footer "float"? 'Stopping footer "float"?'에 답변달기

키 마스터

Hey Ian,

you can use

#footer {
margin-top: 0px;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0px;

to force it to stick to the bottom on all pages, yet the catch here is that the “bottom” will be defined as the bottom of the browser window – i.e. if the page’s content exceeds the window height, the footer will overlap it. Without resorting to hacky solutions, it’s possible to either tell the footer to consider the bottom of the screen as its starting point, or the bottom of content, not both. This is why there’s no content block on the “Page with Background Slider” page template.

Andrii / Satori Studio